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Effectful Haskell
Effectful Haskell
1: Introduction (6:52)
2: Monad Transformers (5:51)
3: What is an Effect? (9:19)
4: Monad Typeclasses (5:51)
5: Making Our Own Typeclasses (4:37)
6: Test Effects (6:33)
7: Server Basics (29:35)
8: Natural Transformations (6:50)
9: Tracking State with MVar (6:19)
10: Generalizing Our Server (7:12)
11: Server Test Effects (7:06)
12: Free Monads (9:29)
13: Free-ing Our Server (6:03)
14: Eff Test Effects (4:31)
15: Conclusion (15:55)
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8: Natural Transformations
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